Deep Learning Tutorials

Published: 09 Oct 2015 Category: deep_learning


Deep learning

Toward Theoretical Understanding of Deep Learning

VGG Convolutional Neural Networks Practical

Hacker’s guide to Neural Networks

Deep Learning Tutorials

Deep Learning in a Nutshell: Core Concepts

Deep Learning in a Nutshell: History and Training

A Deep Learning Tutorial: From Perceptrons to Deep Networks

Deep Neural Networks (with Python code)

Three Classes of Deep Learning Architectures and Their Applications: A Tutorial Survey

Stanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial: UFLDL Tutorial

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Learning (LeCun)

Deep learning from the bottom up

Introduction to Deep Learning with Python (By Alec Radford. Theano)

New to deep learning? Here are 4 easy lessons from Google

Deep Learning 101

Neural Networks Demystified

Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED

A ‘Brief’ History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning

Deep Neural Networks — An Overview

A Tutorial on Deep Neural Networks for Intelligent Systems

Deep Learning for Computer Vision – Introduction to Convolution Neural Networks

BI Lab Deep Learning Tutorial

Deep Learning Tutorials

Neural Network Architectures

A Practical Introduction to Deep Learning with Caffe and Python

Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks

Feed Forward and Backward Run in Deep Convolution Neural Network

Convolutional Networks

Exploring convolutional neural networks with DL4J

Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks

Laws, Sausages and ConvNets

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): An Illustrated Explanation

intro_deep: Introduction tutorials to deep learning with Theano and OpenDeep

Deep Learning on Java by Breandan Considine

Using Convolutional Neural Networks and TensorFlow for Image Classification (NYC TensorFlow meetup)

Neural networks with Theano and Lasagne

Introduction to Deep Learning

Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Recognition - SciPy US 2016

Deep learning tutorials (2nd ed.)

A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks

A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks Part 2

The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3)

Deep Learning Part 1: Comparison of Symbolic Deep Learning Frameworks

Deep Learning Part 2: Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Deep Learning Part 3: Combining Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Recurrent Neural Network

Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Processing

The best explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks on the Internet!

The Evolution and Core Concepts of Deep Learning & Neural Networks

An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks

How Convolutional Neural Networks Work

Preliminary Note on the Complexity of a Neural Network

Deep Learning Tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and code for Intro to DL talk at Genesys

Learn Deep Learning the Hard Way

A Complete Guide on Getting Started with Deep Learning in Python

Deep learning for complete beginners: Recognising handwritten digits

Deep learning for complete beginners: Using convolutional nets to recognise images

Deep learning for complete beginners: neural network fine-tuning techniques

How do Convolutional Neural Networks work?

Creating a Neural Network That Can Tell if a Name Is Male or Female, in JavaScript

Softmax Classifiers Explained

The Softmax function and its derivative

How an algorithm behind Deep Learning works

The Neural Network Zoo

Recognising Beer with TensorFlow

Deep learning architecture diagrams

Getting Started with Deep Learning and Python

Deep Learning Practicals

A simple workflow for deep learning

A primer on universal function approximation with deep learning (in Torch and R)

An Introduction to Implementing Neural Networks using TensorFlow

A Gentle Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks

Beginning Machine Learning with Keras and TensorFlow

Shortest Way to Deep Learning

Deep learning with Matlab

Convolutional neural networks for computer vision with Matlab

Neural Net Computing Explodes

Tutorial: Optimizing Neural Networks using Keras (with Image recognition case study)

15 Deep Learning Tutorials

Deep Learning Episode 1: Optimizing DeepMind’s A3C on Torch

Deep Learning Episode 2: Scaling TensorFlow over multiple EC2 GPU nodes

Deep Learning Episode 3: Supercomputer vs Pong

Deep Learning Episode 4: Supercomputer vs Pong II

Nuts and Bolts of Applying Deep Learning — Summary

Intro to Deep Learning for Computer Vision

If I Can Learn to Play Atari, I Can Learn TensorFlow

TensorFlow workshop materials

Some theorems on deep learning

Pokemon, Colors, and Deep Learning

Why Deep Learning is Radically Different from Machine Learning

Deep Learning: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Randomness

Deep Meta-Learning : Machines now Bootstrap Themselves

Are Deep Neural Networks Creative?

Are Deep Neural Networks Creative? v2

Develop/Train A Convolutional Neural Netwok For MNIST Dataset

Rethinking Generalization in Deep Learning

The hard thing about deep learning

The hard thing about deep learning

Introduction to Autoencoders

Two Days to a Demo

Deep Learning Tutorials for 10 Weeks

Deep Learning in Clojure With Cortex

A Guide to Deep Learning by YerevaNN

Learning to Learn, to Program, to Explore and to Seek Knowledge

Have Fun with Machine Learning: A Guide for Beginners

Deep Learning Cheat Sheet

How to train your Deep Neural Network

A deep learning traffic light detector using dlib and a few images from Google street view

Recognizing Traffic Lights With Deep Learning

Tutorials for deep learning

The Holographic Principle: Why Deep Learning Works

Deep Neural Networks - A Brief History

Fundamental Deep Learning code in TFLearn, Keras, Theano and TensorFlow

Deep Neural Network from scratch

Convolutional Neural Networks

Exploring Optimizers

A Gentle Introduction to Exploding Gradients in Neural Networks

Only Numpy: (Why I do Manual Back Propagation) Implementing Multi Channel/Layer Convolution Neural Network on Numpy with Interactive Code

92.45% on CIFAR-10 in Torch


Understanding Convolutions

Note on the implementation of a convolutional neural networks

Convolution in Caffe: a memo


An Analysis of Convolution for Inference

Understanding Convolution in Deep Learning

A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning

Going beyond full utilization: The inside scoop on Nervana’s Winograd kernels

Playing with convolutions in TensorFlow: From a short introduction to convolution to a complete model

How convolutional neural networks see the world: An exploration of convnet filters with Keras

One by One [ 1 x 1 ] Convolution - counter-intuitively useful

Checkerboard artifact free sub-pixel convolution: A note on sub-pixel convolution, resize convolution and convolution resize

Receptive Field

A guide to receptive field arithmetic for Convolutional Neural Networks


Why Momentum Really Works


maxDNN: An Efficient Convolution Kernel for Deep Learning with Maxwell GPUs

GEMM (General Matrix Matrix Multiply)

Why GEMM is at the heart of deep learning

A full walk through of the SGEMM implementation


Learning representations by back-propagating errors

Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagating

Calculus on Computational Graphs: Backpropagation

Styles of Truncated Backpropagation

Is BackPropagation Necessary?

Backpropagation In Convolutional LSTMs

Backward Pass on Conv Layer

Convolutional Neural Networks backpropagation: from intuition to derivation

Backpropagation In Convolutional Neural Networks

Why do we rotate weights when computing the gradients in a convolution layer of a convolution network?

Note on the implementation of a convolutional neural networks


Attention in a Convolutional Neural Net

Attention-based Networks

Attention in Neural Networks and How to Use It


Hierarchical softmax and negative sampling: short notes worth telling


DIY Deep Learning for Vision: a Hands-On Tutorial with Caffe

Deep learning tutorial on Caffe technology : basic commands, Python and C++ code

Using Caffe with your own dataset

OpenCV 3.0.0-dev: Load Caffe framework models


Chainer Info


Keras tutorial

Keras Tutorial: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Deep Learning in Python

Deep Learning with Keras: Tutorial @ EuroScipy 2016

Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning for Cross Domain Image Classification with Keras


10 Deep Learning projects based on Apache MXNet

Awesome MXNet(Beta)


Optimize Deep Learning GPU Operators with TVM: A Depthwise Convolution Example


Theano Tutorial @ LTI, Carnegie Mellon University

An Introduction to MXNet/Gluon

TensorFlow A beginners guide to a powerful framework.

TensorFlow Examples: TensorFlow tutorials and code examples for beginners

Awesome TensorFlow: A curated list of awesome TensorFlow experiments, libraries, and projects

The Good, Bad, & Ugly of TensorFlow: A survey of six months rapid evolution (+ tips/hacks and code to fix the ugly stuff)

Tensorflow Tutorials using Jupyter Notebook

TensorFlow Tutorial


Introduction to TensorFlow

TensorFlow-Tutorials: Simple tutorials using Google’s TensorFlow Framework

Neural Network Toolbox on TensorFlow

Awesome Tensorflow Implementations

The Ultimate List of TensorFlow Resources: Books, Tutorials & More

Install TensorFlow: Slides and code from our TensorFlow Workshop

A Tour of TensorFlow

TensorFlow Tutorials

Shapes and dynamic dimensions in TensorFlow

TensorFlow saving/restoring and mixing multiple models

Getting to Know TensorFlow

Image Classification and Segmentation with Tensorflow and TF-Slim

Not another MNIST tutorial with TensorFlow

Dive Into TensorFlow

TensorFlow Exercises - focusing on the comparison with NumPy.

A Gentle Guide to Using Batch Normalization in Tensorflow

Using TensorFlow in Windows with a GPU

Tensorflow and deep learning - without a PhD

4 Steps To Learn TensorFlow When You Already Know scikit-learn

Gentlest Introduction to Tensorflow

learn code with tensorflow

TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook

TensorFlow Image Recognition on a Raspberry Pi

TensorFlow For Machine Intelligence

Installing TensorFlow on Raspberry Pi 3 (and probably 2 as well)

CodinGame: Deep Learning - TensorFlow

A Practical Guide for Debugging Tensorflow Codes

Debugging Tips on TensorFlow

Tensorflow Projects: Deep learning using tensorflow

Machine Learning with TensorFlow

Convolutional Networks: from TensorFlow to iOS BNNS

Android TensorFlow Machine Learning Example

TensorFlow and Deep Learning Tutorials

Finetuning AlexNet with TensorFlow

Deep Learning examples using Tensorflow

How To Write Your Own Tensorflow in C++

Tensorflow on Android

A Guide to Running Tensorflow Models on Android

TensorFlow Android stand-alone demo


Torch Developer Guide


Practical PyTorch tutorials

The Incredible PyTorch

PyTorch quick start: Classifying an image

tutorial for researchers to learn deep learning with pytorch.

Building a System for Fun!

Facial Recognition On A Jetson TX1 In Tensorflow

Build an AI Cat Chaser with Jetson TX1 and Caffe

Deep Learning in Aerial Systems Using Jetson

Cherry Autonomous Racecar (CAR): NCAT ECE Senior Design Project

Traffic Signs Classification

Traffic signs classification with Deep Learning.

Traffic Sign Recognition with TensorFlow

Traffic signs classification with a convolutional network

Convolutional Neural Network for Traffic Sign Classification — CarND


A Tour of Deep Learning With C++